Ways to get involved

Borrowed Good is a community-based solution, meaning everyone has the opportunity to play a part in a better eating experience for all.

Have other ideas? We'd love to hear them!



You like what you eat. You should like how you eat it!

Borrowed Good supplies restaurants with metal takeaway utensils, so you can have  abetter experience without the pitfalls of plastic. With utensil deposit locations at restaurants and around your community, you don't have to sacrifice the convenience of disposables.

Sign up to share your interest, your city, and places you'd like to see this!


Restaurants & Offices

BEING Environmentally-Friendly Isn't always in the Budget...until now.

We offer metal utensil subscriptions for a reasonable rate and remove the fear of your investment walking out the door!

Contact us to see about where we are currently implementing Borrowed Good and how you can takeout plastic and up your food game.



Want to support this solution in your community?

There are a variety of ways to partner, from providing utensil stock to sponsoring a utensil deposit box to after hours washroom use.

Not sure how you can best partner with us, but interested in supporting this solution? Let us know; we'd love to get you involved in making your community a better place to live!